So now that we are a couple weeks into the new year, how is everybody doing on their New Year's Resolutions? Are you still hanging in there? By now, many people have already ditched their resolutions and have gone back to their old ways. It's hard to continue sometimes, I'm sure most of us have not always reached are goal, whatever it may be. Whether it's to lose weight, get in shape, quit a bad habit, like smoking, etc., or improving oneself in other forms, like working on their personalty with how patient they may be, or outgoing and such things like that, it's tough to stay committed. Did any of you start the New Year with resolutions of your own? If so, how is it going for you? Let me know, I'd love to hear.
I do have an idea though, something that may be easier for you girls to change/improve about yourself, but only if you feel the need to! I think it would be easy for most us to say that in the new year we would love to try something new with our style! Might I suggest to you, to try something new within your wardrobe in this New Year! There are simple ways of changing/improving one's style, and help you feel like you've done something fabulous with 2010!!
Is there is trend that you are scared to try? Is their a hairstyle that you are dying to have? Do you want to be more creative with the outfits you put together? You can do it!!! I myself, am trying to switch up my wardrobe a bit.
Is there is trend that you are scared to try? Is their a hairstyle that you are dying to have? Do you want to be more creative with the outfits you put together? You can do it!!! I myself, am trying to switch up my wardrobe a bit.
Here's some ways for you to make simple easy changes within your wardrobe:
1. Add a pop of color!
Are you a girl that normally sticks to blacks, grays, browns, etc.? Get out of that blah rut and add a piece or accessory that pops against your existing wardrobe. You don't have to buy much to make this work. You can simply wear clothes from what you have in your closet already, just go out and buy one piece,whether it be a bright colored scarf, or a fun colored pair of sunglasses, or if your even bolder, try a bold colored top instead of that black colored shirt you tend to wear. Simple, easy, affordable!
1. Add a pop of color!
Are you a girl that normally sticks to blacks, grays, browns, etc.? Get out of that blah rut and add a piece or accessory that pops against your existing wardrobe. You don't have to buy much to make this work. You can simply wear clothes from what you have in your closet already, just go out and buy one piece,whether it be a bright colored scarf, or a fun colored pair of sunglasses, or if your even bolder, try a bold colored top instead of that black colored shirt you tend to wear. Simple, easy, affordable!
2. Try Some Tights/leggings!
Are you scared to purchase a pair of floral tights? Or an animal printed pair of leggings? Do you love how those leathery pair of leggings look on women you've seen in the latest magazines? Try it out for yourself! You can pull it off, most women can, in one way or another! If you are going to try a bold patterned pair of leggings or tights, try to pair it with a simple solid colored dress or black type outfit, that way you don't have too much going on at once, and your leggings/tights can be the stand out piece! Those leathery leggings look great with a simple tee and blazer! Don't forget those stylish booties or heels with those!

3. Blast From The Past
Tired of what's considered "in" right now? Want to set yourself apart from others? Here's an easy way to do just that! Look at the style icons from the past. Now, some may not be that appropriate to model after, but there are some wonderful examples out there of stylish women from previous decades, that would still be considered well-dressed today. An obvious example is the lovely Audrey Hepburn. I'm sure you guessed I was going to mention her! But, I mean, how could I not? Anyway, if you are looking to get away from the trends of today, look back into previous trends. I myself, am going to try to wear more classy lady like clothes. I don't dress scandalous now or anything, but I'm going to take it a step further. Back in Audrey's day, the women looked so elegant and well put together. More often than not they wore amazing sheath type dresses, or other fun classic looking outfits! Trying to emulate Audrey and making it your own, you really can't go wrong. has some great vintage pieces to help you with your goal!
Well, I hope these are helpful ideas for you in this new year. If you have any other suggestions for great style in 2010, leave them in a comment! I'm sure you all have fabulous ideas that we would all love to hear! I know there are many other ways one can amp up their style in 2010, so let's help each other out!!
Oh, and remember, just because something may be in style right this moment, doesn't mean you have to try it!!! Like this below, found on I don't like what she's wearing, and it most definitely will not work on everyone, so do beware of that!
Well, I hope these are helpful ideas for you in this new year. If you have any other suggestions for great style in 2010, leave them in a comment! I'm sure you all have fabulous ideas that we would all love to hear! I know there are many other ways one can amp up their style in 2010, so let's help each other out!!
Oh, and remember, just because something may be in style right this moment, doesn't mean you have to try it!!! Like this below, found on I don't like what she's wearing, and it most definitely will not work on everyone, so do beware of that!
Oh yes. what a good goal. My goal is to gain some muscle. I am focusing on my stomach, arms and legs. I'd doing pretty good on the arms. :)
I like your suggestions. I like to stick with dark colors. I could use color...But don't have the $ I was thinking I could make my own stuff! Seriously...How hard can it be to make a scarf?
Just recently I have started amping up my style. I don't wear traditional things, when I do go out. I never feel like they are the norm, BUT lately I have been trying to wear things that I might actually see others wear and then adding my own quirky look. For instance...zebra print...kinda tops, and shorter dresses with leggings. It's hard for me because these are things I don't really like to wear, but I know I can pull off any look (that's something my sister and I have decided. lol), so why not try something new??
Loved your post. :)
Oh, and I am starting to love the new things I try. :)
Love these ideas! :)
great post, tasha! i must admit i'm struggling a bit with my goals for this year. i haven't made resolutions in ages. i agree, when in a style rut, u can never go wrong with audrey's style:) her style is just so elegant!
Great tips!! One of my resolutions was to try more things when it came to style, so I'll definitely be giving these a shot. My other resolution was to just have more fun with life. Thats not going too well because the weather is making it hard to do anything or go anywhere.
I think these are great suggestions for the new year! I would love to try them out and I'm thinking of trying out more menswear too:)
Have fun experimenting!
Fabulous post, Tasha - as of late I have been wearing nothing but tights and leggings. I believe my denim is slowly being replaced!! :)
tash. i missed your blog too! so much! yeah, its okay, i have been back just a few days ago.. got busy with life, etc etc.. but im happy to be back w u guys! also, this is a super fab post:) i should remember to take advice #1 seriously!:)
haha yes i'm 1 who usu sticks to the blacks n wadrobe's packed to the brim with black coloured tops n jackets... but i've been trying to be alittle experimental with slightly brighter colours or colours tat i've been reluctant to don on. so tats 1 of my new year resolutions!
P.S. remember to enter my birthday giveaway sweetie (if u havent alr done so)!
oo lovely ideas-especially the Audrey Hepburn one, its true you really cannot go wrong!! Lovely blog-i'm following :)
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